The Missing Artwork Chapter 6


The girls and Harriet went to the spot where the officers were in,  they were in a restaurant in New York called, Holly Burger. "It took a long time while you were in the bathroom! What were you doing there?" asked officer Brown. " Oh uh we, were just (sigh) talking 'bout' Anonymous. So yeah!!! we know anonymous" said Eleanor, "oh good! what is anonymous actually" asked Harriet in her usual posh accent. "Oh so um, um Anonymous is a word but also has another meaning. So Anonymous is just a hacking team, there are lots of similar hacking teams exactly like it" explained Diana. "WHAT!? So Anonymous was hacking THE computer!?" said Harriet in shock.

"I'm not sure which computer but I'm afraid so," said Diana. "It's Mark's computer! he had to serve tickets in that computer. 'same as Hannah' " explained Harriet. "Okay, so when we reach the museum we can use the computer to search about Anonymous! Eeeeek!" squealed Eleanor.
"Um excuse me," said a voice to Harriet and everyone, they turned around and saw a Waiter. "What would you like to eat?." Asked the Waiter, so the group thought about what they wanted and knew what they wanted. Diana wanted Richelieu (a type of hamburger), Eleanor wanted Passion Red (another type of a hamburger with organic peppers), Harriet wanted a Club Sandwich, officer Bond chose Le Classic, a hamburger with lettuce, onion, pickles and tomatoes & last of all officer Brown picked, Teriyaki Club. So after they ate they drove off to 'De Art Gallery' and when they reached they
searched about Anonymous. "Hmm this looks exactly like the picture in the note," said Harriet.

"With very dark eyes, black and white, looks like a mask, a mustache with a small beard." So now since they know who Anonymous is now they went to Pablo Picasso's album, instead of Ma Jolie (the painting which was missing)

"everyone knows that picture is different from Ma Jolie so why did Anonymous put that picture there," asked Eleanor. "Look now there is duplicate photos of that!"Harriet said. "We need to figure out why Anonymous replaced the picture." Says officer Brown.
Just then a guy with a funky mask came, with Pablo Picasso. "Yes, can you paint Ma Jolie over this picture please?" Said the man "sorry no. I can't paint over my paintings!" "But this is a-", Pablo slammed the the door with a thud. "Shh!" Said everyone in the album not even lifting their eyes of the paintings.



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