The Missing Artwork Chapter 12


The next day not much happened except that they packed their bags. So the next next day Harriet drove to Diana's house then Eleanor's then Alissa's and picked them all up, then they went to the airport. They checked in, they got their boarding pass, went for immigration and finished security check. They waited and waited for their flight number to call out, they talked while they waited, until it was their turn to board the flight. So they boarded the flight and they saw something stuck in between their seats. There was something stuck in other people's seats too. Everyone knew Harriet because she was the owner of 'De Art Gallery' and since 'De Art Gallery' was so famous, everyone knew her. So everyone gave her the tiny notes that were stuck in between their seats for some reason. Now Harriet understood why people were giving her the notes. Behind the notes it said "Give this note to Harriet, the owner of De Art Gallery" or something like 'Note 1. Note 2. Note 3...' They opened 'Note 1,' it said:
                                      Just once you land read Note 2, you're clue will
                                      be in touch with you, as you read this note you'll
                                      notice a beautiful Dove sitting on a log outside your
                                      seat's window, anyway that has nothing to do with for what I
                                      will say so I'll be back right away... From: Anonymous
What a strange note! But as Harriet read, she sure did notice a beautiful Dove sitting on a log outside her seat's window. That was even more strange. So it took four hours twenty-eight minutes to reach Nuuk (capital of Greenland)
 and when they reached they read Note 2 like it said in Note 1. Note 2 said:
                                       Go to house 612, ring the door bell, something will
                                       be there for you, once you find it don't mind it but, if you 
                                       need, then go to the tree... From: Anonymous
That didn't make any sense! Anyway after they read, they unfastened their seat belts, got their bags, got out of the plane to the airport & went for immigration. Yes, again! After they did immigration, they got a little snack and headed over  to house 612, rang the doorbell and when the door opened they didn't see anyone there. "Who opened the door!?" Yell-asked Alissa. Everyone shrugged, by the door there laid a piece of the painting. "Good job girls!" Harriet said while high-fiving the girls. Now what they needed to do was go to the tree, but they didn't know which tree. They asked the in-habits of Nuuk but they didn't know which tree either. They looked all over the place for the tree, when they finally found it! They didn't know if it was actually the tree though. They thought it was the tree because it had a hole in it. Diana & Harriet poked their hand inside the hole. Harriet got a piece of paper, Diana got cash. "We're being kind to you, we're doing our best, you deserve the cash that you paid for the flight back. You did a lot of hard work and backing it up, please be pleased of what we're doing, this is hard giving cash and it's hard working hard. -Anonymous" Harriet read aloud. That also didn't make any sense! They could not believe that Anonymous was giving them their flight cash back! Harriet put the cash in her wallet & the piece of Ma Jolie in her bag, when Eleanor poked her hand in the tree hole again. She found another note. "Go to Greece stay there for a week, in Greece stay in house 101, once you're done go to the nearest cafe and if the shopkeeper says his name is Dun ask him for a piece of paper -Anonymous" Eleanor read out. 



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