The Missing Artwork Chapter 14


So they looked in the lounge first, they didn't find the key there, their rooms? Not at all! It was time for their final location, the kitchen! Their hearts were racing, stomachs in knots! What if the key wasn't there... But first they needed some lunch. They ate Beef soup, chicken salad & drank Orange juice. After that they continued searching for the key. They looked nearly everywhere but the final cupboard. They all raced to the kitchen cupboard and opened it. 

           There it was, a key.
         They went and got the black box and twisted the key in the keyhole. There it laid, a rolled-up sheet of paper bow-tied with a red ribbon! Alissa untied the bow, this is what it said: 
                                                        Code Cracker                                             
                                1=A                                                                               14=N
                                2=B                                                                               15=O
                                3=C                                                                               16=P
                                4=D                                                                               17=Q
                                5=E                                                                               18=R
                                6=F                                                                               19=S
                                7=G                                                                              20=T
                                8=H                                                                              21=U
                                9=I                                                                               22=V
                              10=J                                                                              23=W
                             11=K                                                                              24=X
                            12=L                                                                               25=Y
                           13=M                                                                              26=Z
                                                     *=No need of code-cracking for  this bit                                                                             

               Eleanor quickly went and got the code, they cracked it like eggs! After they cracked it they actually never knew that the hole was there (see Chapter 13 for the code and use the code cracker to see what is the actual code.) So they looked all around the house for it and Alissa found it! It was behind the TV stand. Alissa put her had in it by moving the TV stand and she showed what she found to the others. "Another piece!" Exclaimed Alissa, they all gathered next to Alissa. "Really?! I don't believe you. Where did you find it from?" Diana asked Alissa, a tiny bit jealous. "Behind the TV stand! Of course." Replied Alissa.

                                               20 Minutes Later...

               There were just 3 pieces to go! Diana, Eleanor & Alissa were getting pretty bored so they got their luggage got a book out of it. Diana got Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone, Alissa got Harry Potter & The Chamber of  Secrets & Eleanor got Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone too. Harriet was in the kitchen dining table reading the Newspaper. In the news, it also said about Ma Jolie getting stolen. Harriet called Mark & Hannah to ask them something. "Hi Mom what happened?" Asked Hannah. "Where are you right now? Asked Harriet, "at 'De Art Gallery' of course!" "And your gonna sleep upstairs in the Staff  Bedroom right?" "Of course! What happened did you lose your memory?" Asked Hannah. "Just double-checking. Okay bye!" "Bye!"





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