The Missing Artwork Chapter 16


On the 5th morning...
"Wow, time goes 1, 000 times faster than the speed of light!!!" Alissa exclaimed. "It can't go that  fast," Diana replied sensibly, "never asked, Stop it!" Alissa interrupted. "Geez! No need to shout." Diana said "Ugh." By all of their fighting, they made Eleanor wake up. "What, who, why, how?" Eleanor panicked with her eyes barely opened.

"Oh my, Eleanor what happened?" Alissa asked. "Oh nothing, it's just all the time when someone wakes me up I become so confused!" She replied. ''Oh, okay" Diana said. Once they all got up, brushed and changed, for some reason, they felt like they should check Note 4:

                    You might be wondering why you have to stay here for A WHOLE WEEK!
                    Well, we hid some pieces around your backyard too! But we're not telling
                    where we are. You can get the pieces/the painting but don't even think of  
                    getting us!


"Okay, that last line is just stupid. I mean some of the Anonymous are right now arrested!" Eleanor said. "No it isn't, there still might be people!" Diana replied. "True," said Eleanor. "Anyways, let's go to the backyard! And I never even knew there was a backyard," Alissa said. They looked and looked for 1 hour! "Ooh, look another piece!" Harriet said while looking deep inside a hole in an apple tree. "Yay!" (there were just two more pieces!)  The rest of them said. They ate lunch, read some more, played Monopoly (3:30 PM) & wrote some reminders about how far they've reached(e.g. How many pieces are left.) Once they finished all of that it was just 4:00 PM.

They looked in Note 4 again & it said pieces, not piece. So they decided to check one more time. In case. They searched for 2 hours this time and it's 6:23 PM and it was getting dark. They couldn't find a single thing! "Oh my, I'm so hungry! Can we have dinner?" Eleanor said, she was pretty slim but couldn't have too much food! They ate dinner, yes, very early! They had eaten some Taramasalata at a restaurant. (Taramasalata is a Greek dish!)
After they ate, reached House 101, got ready for bed & slept.



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