The Missing Artwork Chapter 16

Chapter-16 O n the 5 th morning... "Wow, time goes 1, 000 times faster than the speed of light!!!" Alissa exclaimed. "It can't go that fast," Diana replied sensibly, "never asked, Stop it!" Alissa interrupted. "Geez! No need to shout." Diana said "Ugh." By all of their fighting, they made Eleanor wake up. "What, who, why, how?" Eleanor panicked with her eyes barely opened. "Oh my, Eleanor what happened?" Alissa asked. "Oh nothing, it's just all the time when someone wakes me up I become so confused!" She replied. ''Oh, okay" Diana said. Once they all got up, brushed and changed, for some reason, they felt like they should check Note 4: You might be wondering why you have to stay here for A WHOLE WEEK! Well, we hid some pieces around your backyard too! But we're not telling ...